
Rome – Increase in helipads with application of EU regulation

Rome – Increase in helipads with implementation of EU regulation

President of the 2nd Commission Piero Petrassi says he is satisfied with the’increase of helipads in Lazio thanks to the’application of the Community regulation. These are his statements: “I am pleased with the expeditiousness of work on bill number 189 – titled 'Health security from the sky throughout Lazio‘ an initiative of Councilors Storace and Righini today approved by the Health Commission of the Regional Council, after passages in the European Affairs and Budget Committees.

The text – Petrassi explains – dictates provisions for the implementation of EU Regulation no. 965 of 2012 concerning technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to air operations, with particular reference to take-off and landing areas for helicopter medical emergency operations. I would like to thank Councilors Storace and Righini – Petrassi concludes – for the excellent legislative initiative and for the renewed spirit of collaboration in the Regional Assembly; with the implementation of this proposal, once approved by the Council, it will be possible to use helicopters at night on landing sites close to the place of the event, such as sports fields present in our municipalities that have the necessary requirements: a further step forward in the Zingaretti administration's commitment to a safer Lazio that is attentive to the needs of citizens.”