
Piano di Sorrento – Mayor Ruggiero on the risk of unification of oncology services

Piano di Sorrento – Mayor Ruggiero on the risk of unification of oncology services

By note no.3112 of 10/02/2016 Mayor Giovanni Ruggiero expressed his “willingness to support and pursue strongly and as soon as possible any useful initiative to avert the very serious and unacceptable consequences” of the feared unification of the oncology services of Torre del Greco, Sorrento and Gragnano with definitive headquarters at the hospital of Castellammare di Stabia.

“I fully share – continues the letter addressed to the Mayors of the Peninsula, the President of the Regional Council of Campania Vincenzo De Luca and the Extraordinary Commissioner Asl Na3 Antonietta Costantini – all the concerns and apprehensions related to this decision, which would see as a direct consequence the suppression of the oncology service provided at the premises of the dell’ Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital in Sorrento, a service that in the opinion of the undersigned Administration represents an irreplaceable bulwark for the entire health care of the Sorrentine Peninsula, able so far, with great professionalism and humanity, to alleviate the suffering of cancer patients.”.

In addition, early next week, the First Citizen will meet with some patients of the Sorrentine oncology ward to hear from those directly affected about their specific and urgent needs and to be the spokesperson for these requests before the relevant bodies and authorities.